AED withdrawal risk retrieval

The antiepileptic drug (AED) withdrawal risk lookup table provides the risk of a seizure in the next 2 and 5 years after AED withdrawal, for people with epilepsy who are seizure-free thanks to AEDs. It also shows the chance to be seizure-free after 10 years.

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Postoperative AED withdrawal risk retrieval

Antiepileptic drug withdrawal after pediatric epilepsy surgery. Retrieval of seizure recurrence risk at 2 and 5 years and seizure-, and AED freedom at 6 years.

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First consultation

A child has had one or more potential seizures. What is the risk that eventually the diagnosis of epilepsy will be made?

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Intellectual and developmental outcomes following surgery

A child undergoes epilepsy surgery. What is the probability of obtaining minimal intellectual and developmental quotients?

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JME antiepileptic drug withdrawal and resistance

What is the risk of drug resistance and seizure recurrence after medication withdrawal in patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy?

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AED withdrawal risk retrieval

This lookup table is based on clinical nomograms from an independent participant data meta-analysis which aimed to create tools for individualized prediction or risks [1]. The nomogram estimates the risk of seizure recurrence and long-term seizure outcome for people with epilepsy who are currently seizure-free, in case of withdrawal of anti-epileptic drugs with the purpose of discontinuing treatment. The prediction model is based on - and validated in - ten different populations of both children and adults. The tool does not apply to people who became seizure-free through epilepsy surgery.

For information on the development and validation, see the reference below, or go to the website of The Lancet Neurology

[1] Lamberink HJ, Otte WM, Geerts AT, Pavlovic M, Ramos-Lizana J, Marson AG, Overweg J, Sauma L, Specchio LM, Tennison M, Cardoso TMO, Shinnar S, Schmidt D, Geleijns K, Braun KPJ. Individualised prediction model of seizure recurrence and long-term outcomes after withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs in seizure-free patients – a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Lancet Neurology 2017; 16(7):523-531. DOI: 10.1016/S1474-4422(17)30114-X

Postoperative AED withdrawal risk retrieval

This simple retrieval tool is based on clinical nomograms from the TimeToStop study group [2]. It estimates the risk of seizure recurrence and long-term seizure outcome for children with epilepsy who underwent epilepsy surgery, in case of withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs with the purpose of discontinuing treatment. The prediction model is based on data from 766 children who underwent epilepsy surgery in 15 centres in 8 European countries. 

For information on the development and validation, see the reference below, or go to the website of Epilepsia 

[2] Lamberink HJ, Boshuisen K, Otte WM, Geleijns K, Braun KPJ, on behalf of the TimeToStop Study Group. Individualized prediction of seizure relapse and outcomes following antiepileptic drug withdrawal after pediatric epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia, 2018, DOI: 10.1111/epi.14020

Epilepsy probability risk retrieval

This lookup table is based on clinical data and an interictal EEG from children available at first consultation after one or more paroxysmal events at the outpatient department at the department of pediatric neurology from the UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands, and was validated on a similar cohort from the Martini Hospital in Groningen [3]. The calculator estimates the probability that the diagnosis of epilepsy will be made based on the available information at the first consultation.

For information on the development and validation, see the reference below, or go to the website of Pediatrics

[3] van Diessen E, Lamberink HJ, Otte WM, Doornebal N, Brouwer OF, Jansen FE, Braun KPJ. A Prediction Model to Determine Childhood Epilepsy After 1 or More Paroxysmal Events. Pediatrics 2018; 142(6):e20180931. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2018-0931

Guidelines of use

This website is made for medical professionals. The prediction tool is currently not part of guidelines, please take this into consideration when using the tool. Interpretation of the content and calculations presented on this website are the responsibility of the user. The tool can be used to provide information in addition to the standard of care. The tool in no way replaces the standard health care and information that patients should be given. When using this tool, it should always be explained that the results are based on scientific research (click here for the publication) on populations of patients and consequently the outcome may not provide an accurate estimation in the specific circumstance of that patient.

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