ЛДНЦ ”Епілепсія”, Україна, 02000 Київ, вул. Кирилівська, 103


Neonatal Seizure Classification


The ILAE Task Force on Neonatal Seizures has created a classification for seizures in the neonate, which is intended to become the ILAE position on the classification for seizures in this age group. 

As part of the approval and adoption process the League asks its members to review and comment on the proposed classification.  These comments from our international community will then be reviewed by an independent task force, which will then amend the proposed classification to be in line with the suggestions from the community. By policy, the manuscript will be open for comments for approximately two months, until October 15.

Read proposed classification and comment here

Zambia: New provisional Chapter


The ILAE is pleased to announce that the Zambia League Against Epilepsy has been granted provisional membership in the League. Full membership will be determined by the General Assembly at the next International Epilepsy Congress in Bangkok.

The creation of the ZLAE began in 2014 with the assistance and encouragement from the Epilepsy Association of Zambia of the IBE. The inaugural officers include Lekani Venevivi (President), Anthony Zimba (Vice-president), Waqas Sheikh(Treasurer) and Naluca Mwendaweli (Secretary General). The ZLAE has a total of 20 members and includes neurologists, psychiatrist, pediatricians, general practitioners and clinical officers. Please join is in welcoming the newest member of our international community. We look forward to working with them in our efforts to improve the lives of people with epilepsy.

Zambia Chapter

Spotlight on the Swedish Epilepsy Society


The Swedish Epilepsy Society was founded in 1986 and has since been a member of ILAE. Their goal is to promote research and development of epileptology in Sweden. They have about 400 members representing the entire epilepsy professional community, e.g., child and adult neurologists, neurophysiologists, neurosurgeons, epilepsy nurses, psychologists, social workers and basic as well as clinical scientific researchers.

Read more

See list of all Chapter spotlights

New Epilepsy Books Listed


Keeping up with available books is no easy task! The books on epilepsy list in the Resources section of the ILAE website is newly revised, and several titles have been added, including Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery, shown at left. The League does not sell the books, nor does ILAE specifically endorse any of the books listed.

View all listings, and sort by author/editor or topic.

If you have additional titles to suggest, please send them to Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

ILAE Journal Highlights

13ECE Logo-with city-dates-organisation 3

Are you attending the European Congress on Epileptology?

Visit our publishing partner, Wiley, at booth #17 for free journal copies, and to learn more about Open Access publishing with an opportunity to win a $100 Amazon gift card by selecting the correct key to ‘unlock your research.’ We hope to see you in Vienna!

NEW ILAE Multi-journal App

Easily search and access research from all three ILAE society journals, keeping you up-to-date with developments in the field of epilepsy research even faster. Download the app on your Apple and Android devices.


Epilepsia Open: We encourage society members to read, and submit, to our newest society journal, Epilepsia Open.

Help the ILAE reach all who are interested

The ILAE has drastically cut its mailing list for these newsletters, Epigraph, and other news of interest to the epilepsy community in order to comply with new privacy regulations..

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think may be interested. If you are receiving this via forward, you may sign up to receive future emails by clicking on the button below or go to


ILAE Congress News

Plan to Attend Future Congresses

13ECE Logo-with city-dates-organisation 2  

26 – 30 August 2018
13th European Congress on Epileptology

Vienna, Austria

Congress website

  • Registration is still open: Save time on arrival and register here


29 September - 2 October 2018
10th Congreso Latinoamericano de Epilepsia

San José, Costa Rica

Congress website

  • FINAL registration deadline is 14th September

EC EastMed Pantone 2


7 – 9 March 2019
5th East Mediterannean Epilepsy Congress

Marrakech, Morocco
Website coming soon


22 - 26 June 2019
33rd International Epilepsy Congress

Bangkok, Thailand

Congress website

Future Chapter Congresses


13 – 14 September 2018
Congreso de Epilepsia: 2018

Chapter website


19 – 22 September 2018
16th Pan Arab Union of Neurological Societies (PAUNS) Meeting

Amman, Jordan
More information

CLAE_LCCE 21 - 23 September 2018
CLAE / LCCE 2018 Scientific Meeting

Delta Hotels St. John's Conference Centre
St. John's, Newfoundland
Meeting Website
British Chapter Logo (ILAE) 2018 2

26 – 28 September 2018
ILAE British Chapter Annual Meeting

Birmingham, UK
More information


28 September 2018
Irish Chapter of the ILAE 8th Annual Expert Day

Dublin, Irelend
More information


12 October 2018
Hungarian Chapter Congress

Chapter website

LFCE-Journees Francaises-2018

16 - 19 October 2018
Journées Françaises de l'Epilepsie

Centre de Congres, Lyon, France


26 - 27 October 2018
6th UAE Epilepsy Congress
Dubai, United Arab Emirates


31 October – 2 November 2018
32nd Epilepsy Society of Australia Annual Meeting

Brisbane, Australia
Chapter website


15 November 2018
Swedish Chapter National Meeting

Lund, Sweden


30 November - 4 December 2018
American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Abstract submission deadline: 29 May
Chapter website


8 - 11 May 2019
Annual Meeting of the Austrian and German Societies for Epileptology and the Swiss Epilepsy League (“Dreilaendertagung”)

Basel, Switzerland
Meeting website

View listings of all congresses

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