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In the wake of a seizure: Damage and danger from the post-ictal stateThe effects of a seizure can last for several days and have wide-ranging implications for quality of life. There are few treatments to relieve post-ictal effects, other than preventing the seizures that precede them. Read about recent research into the post-ictal state Post-ictal psychosis can lead to suicide and violence. Who is at risk?Though relatively rare, post-ictal psychosis is an emergency. Who is at risk for this post-ictal issue and how can it be treated, or even prevented? |
More from Epigraph:Conquering the treatment gap: Pakistan starts small, stays flexible, and never gives up Can seizure free mean medication free? The evidence, and a debate Thousands seek information, education and connection at Epilepsy Awareness Day at Disneyland Epilepsy medications and pregnancy: What are the issues? |
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