Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy

Epilepsy Center. Kyrylivska St, 103, Kyiv, UKRAINE, 02000

Today 7

Week 450

Month 1498

Dear Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy Executives,

Did you know that Friday 10th May is the last opportunity for ILAE Chapter members to avail of discounted registration rates for the upcoming 33rd International Epilepsy Congress in Bangkok?

To date, we currently have no delegates registered from Ukraine and I am sure you would like Ukraine to have a representation at the congress.  As a Chapter of ILAE, can you help us to encourage registrations? Could you email the information below to your members or designate someone from your committee to do this?

Friday 10th May is the last opportunity for ILAE Chapter members to register at discounted rates for the 33rdInternational Epilepsy Congress in Bangkok, Thailand on 22-26 June 2019.  Save on your registration fees by registering before 10th May.  Register now by clicking

Kind regards,


Please list the congress details on your Chapter website with a link to the IEC 2019 website:

33rd International Epilepsy Congress, 22-26 June 2019, in Bangkok, Thailand












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