Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy

Epilepsy Center. Kyrylivska St, 103, Kyiv, UKRAINE, 02000

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July 2018 from

Twitter en Español | New Region Names | Spotlight on Colombia | VIREPA Applications Open | | Journal News | Future Congresses and deadlines

Twitter y Facebook en Español

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Con gran emoción queremos anunciar que la ILAE tiene una página en Twitter en español @ILAE_ES.

Publicaremos las actividades de a ILAE allí, así como también publicaremos más información en español en nuestra página de Facebook.Síguenos aqui:  @ILAE_ES  |   @ILAEWEB  |   Facebook

League Updates Region Names

6 regions

It was brought to the Executive Committee that the identification of ILAE regions as “Commission on [Region] Affairs” created the perception that the commissions were some form of governmental agency.

After discussion, the Committee decided to rename the commissions. Each region is managed by an Executive Board with its current officers. These new region names are effective immediately; please use them in your communications.

Spotlight on La Liga Colombiana contra la Epilepsia (LCE)


La Liga Colombiana contra la Epilepsia (LCE), capítulo para Colombia de la ILAE, nació en 1964, en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias, junto al mar Caribe. Se extendió luego a todo el país. La LCE tiene capítulos en cada departamento o provincia de Colombia, con miembros no solo médicos sino de profesionales de muchas disciplinas.

Read more and view photos here

See list of all Chapter spotlights

Apply for a VIREPA Course


Application for the 2018-2019 Virtual Epilepsy Academy (VIREPA) Distance Education Program is now open and applications will be accepted until August 17. For details about the courses, fees, bursaries, and prerequisites, visit VIREPA.

Available courses: EEG Basic EEG Advanced Epilepsy & Sleep- Advanced

Epileptic Disorders is now


Epileptic Disorders now offers more:

  • Practical information surrounding diagnosis and treatment
  • Multimedia Teaching Material including EEG sequences, neuroimaging, neuropathology and neurosurgery
  • Seminars in Epileptology for Neurologists and Child

EASILY ACCESSIBLE ANYWHERE, ANYTIME...With your login and password or by IP recognition

  • 6 issues/year and 20 years of archives:
  • Online version published and on Pubmed before inclusion in an issue
  • Epicentre, including tests for educational purposes
  • "Editor's choice" comments

More about Epileptic Disorders
*New rate for ILAE Members $45.00 (40 €); Emerging Countries for ILAE Members : $35.00 (28 €). Subscribe here

ILAE Journal Highlights


Epileptic Disordersnew Impact Factor: 1.500

2018-06_epi_v59_i6_OFC - cover-300w

Epilepsianew Impact Factor: 5.067


Epilepsia Open: While our newest publication does not yet have an Impact Factor, the journal content is available in PubMed and PubMed Central, offering greater discoverability. We further hope to have this metric available for Epilepsia Open within the next couple of years.

ILAE Congress News

Plan to Attend Future Congresses

13ECE Logo.v2  

26 – 30 August 2018
13th European Congress on Epileptology

Vienna, Austria

Congress website

  • Register soon: Last minute registration deadline is 10th August


29 September - 2 October 2018
10th Congreso Latino Americano de Epilepsia

San José, Costa Rica

Congress website

  • Early registration deadline is 10th August

33IEC-Logo 2  

22 - 26 June 2019
33rd International Epilepsy Congress

Bangkok, Thailand

Congress website

EC EastMed Pantone 2


7 – 9 March 2019
5th East Mediterannean Epilepsy Congress

Marrakech, Morocco
Website coming soon

Future Chapter Congresses


13 – 14 September 2018
Congreso de Epilepsia: 2018

Chapter website


19 – 22 September 2018
16th Pan Arab Union of Neurological Societies (PAUNS) Meeting

Amman, Jordan
More information

CLAE_LCCE 21 - 23 September 2018
CLAE / LCCE 2018 Scientific Meeting

Delta Hotels St. John's Conference Centre
St. John's, Newfoundland
Meeting Website
British Chapter Logo (ILAE) 2018 2

26 – 28 September 2018
ILAE British Chapter Annual Meeting

Birmingham, UK
More information


28 September 2018
Irish Chapter of the ILAE 8th Annual Expert Day

Dublin, Irelend
More information


12 October 2018
Hungarian Chapter Congress

Chapter website

LFCE-Journees Francaises-2018

16 - 19 October 2018
Journées Françaises de l'Epilepsie

Centre de Congres, Lyon, France


26 - 27 October 2018
6th UAE Epilepsy Congress
Dubai, United Arab Emirates


31 October – 2 November 2018
32nd Epilepsy Society of Australia Annual Meeting

Brisbane, Australia
Chapter website


15 November 2018
Swedish Chapter National Meeting

Lund, Sweden


30 November - 4 December 2018
American Epilepsy Society ( AES) Annual Meeting

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Abstract submission deadline: 29 May
Chapter website


8 - 11 May 2019
Annual Meeting of the Austrian and German Societies for Epileptology and the Swiss Epilepsy League (“Dreilaendertagung”)

Basel, Switzerland
Meeting website

View listings of all congresses

More information about epilepsy and the ILAE may be found at the ILAE web site,
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