Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy

Epilepsy Center. Kyrylivska St, 103, Kyiv, UKRAINE, 02000

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Week 322

Month 1523


December 2021

EEC 2022 | ILAE Academy | Volunteers Needed! | WONOEP 2022 | Symposium | Congresses | Journals

EEC 2022: Call for abstracts

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Abstract submission is open for the 14th European Epilepsy Congress, taking place on 9 – 13 July 2022! You have the opportunity to share your latest findings with the international community and be considered for an oral or poster presentation during EEC 2022.

The Scientific and Organising Committee encourages all researchers and practitioners from around the globe to contribute to the programme by submitting abstracts for poster or oral presentation at the congress. Deadline: 21 January 2022 

Submit a proposal

ILAE Academy learning platform upgrade

ILAE Academy logo-300 SQARE

Between 17 December 2021 and 5 January 2022, the ILAE Academy learning platform will undergo a system upgrade. During this time, the ILAE Academy will not be accessible. While we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, we look forward to an upgraded system in the new year.

Curriculum development: Call for volunteers

The ILAE Education Council is seeking your help to develop interactive, level 2 curriculum e-learning content for the ILAE Academy.

If you are interested in volunteering with this new and exciting endeavor, please send your application with a letter of intent and a short CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Application deadline: 21 December 2021.

The ILAE Education Council will honor your precious time with free access to the ILAE Academy platform, including all its current and upcoming content, as well as a free registration voucher for an upcoming international or regional ILAE congress of your choice.

WONOEP 2022: Call for abstracts


The ILAE Neurobiology Commission is now accepting abstracts for the XVI Workshop on Neurobiology of EpilepsyDeadline: 31 January 2022

WONOEP 2022, a satellite event of the 14th European Epilepsy Congress, will take place on 4-8 July in Talloires, France. The main topic is "Early onset epilepsies: neurobiology and novel therapeutic strategies."

Abstract submission guidelines

Educational Symposium of the Psychiatry Commission

Educational Symposium Psych Comm 2021-11-27 2

Lectures from the 3rd Educational Symposium of the Psychiatry Commission: Epilepsy and Psychiatric Disorders throughout Life are available on demand and free of charge.

The course provides up-to-date information on common psychiatric comorbidities in childhood and adult epilepsy.

View recorded content

ILAE Congresses

neuropsychology image

20 - 25 March 2022
3rd International Training Course on Neuropsychology in Epilepsy
Bordeaux, France

Neonatal EEG - 2022

10 - 13 April 2022
EEG in the First Year of Life
Cambridge, UK


6 - 8 May 2022
2nd North American Epilepsy Congress

European Congress on Epilepsy

9 - 13 July 2022
14th European Epilepsy Congress
Geneva, Switzerland & Online


8 - 11 September 2022
11th International Summer School for Neuropathology and Epilepsy Surgery
(INES 2022)
Erlangen, Germany


1 - 4 octubre 2022
XII Congreso Latinamericano de Epilepsia
(LAEC 2022)


17 - 19 November 2022
14th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress

Chapter Congresses

quatar epilepsy school 13 - 15 January 2022
4th Qatar International Epilepsy School
DGFE 2022 jpg 27 - 30 April 2022
60. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epileptologie
Leipzig, Germany
teaching weekend 2022 logo small 14 - 15 May 2022
ILAE British Branch 18th Specialist Registrar Epilepsy Teaching Weekend
Birmingham, UK
CLAE 2022 STD image 23 - 25 September 2022
Canadian League Against Epilepsy 2022 Scientific Meeting
Kelowna, BC, Canada

View listings of all congresses

ILAE Journal Highlights


Vascular risk factors as predictors of epilepsy in older age: The Framingham Heart Study.
Maria Stefanidou, Jayandra J. Himali, Orrin Devinsky, Jose R. Romero, Mohammad Arfan Ikram, Alexa S. Beiser, Sudha Seshadri, Daniel Friedman. Epilepsia. First published 16 November 2021.

Epilepsia Open

Screening of prototype antiseizure and anti-inflammatory compounds in the Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus model of epilepsy.
Cameron S. Metcalf, Fabiola Vanegas, Tristan Underwood, Kristina Johnson, Peter J. West, Misty D. Smith, Karen S. Wilcox. Epilepsia Open. First published 20 October 2021. doi: 10.1002/epi4.12550.

Epileptic Disorders
Acute symptomatic seizures: an educational, evidence-based review.
Matthias Mauritz, Lawrence J Hirsch, Peter Camfield, Richard Chin, Raffaele Nardone, Simona Lattanzi, Eugen Trinka. Epileptic Disorders. doi: 10.1684/epd.2021.1376.

More information about epilepsy and the ILAE may be found at the ILAE website,

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